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E-vignettes Czech Republic

Select below the category of vehicle for which you need an electronic vignette to the Czech Republic.

  1. How do electronic vignettes Czech Republic work?
  2. On highways and expressways in the Czech Republic there are digital vignettes and those in sticker form. When buying a Czech digital vignette, our registration number is entered into the system, so we don't have to fear a fine. On the roads in the Czech Republic there are cameras that read the registration and check whether we have purchased a Czech e-vignette.

  3. Vehicles that MUST have a vignette in the Czech Republic
  4. The need to purchase an electronic vignette for the Czech Republic applies only to motor vehicles that have at least four wheels and whose maximum permissible weight does not exceed 3.5 tons. These include: passenger cars, vans.

    If you want to buy a vignette for the Czech Republic online, you've come to the right place! We offer to buy Czech Republic vignette electronically on your behalf.

  5. Vehicles that MUST NOT have an e-vignette for the Czech Republic
  6. It is not necessary to buy an additional Czech road vignette for the trailer, it is important that the towing vehicle can legally pull the trailer in question according to the records of the vehicle registration certificate. It does not matter whether the set (car + trailer) exceeds 3.5t GVW or not. Motorcycles are also exempt from the vignette requirement through the Czech Republic.

  7. Vignettes Czech Republic buying, and vehicles over 3.5t GVW
  8. The toll is determined on the basis of the vehicle category and the distance traveled on the roads subject to the toll. The toll applies to the use of roads by motor vehicles on the road with at least four wheels and with a maximum permissible weight exceeding 3.5 tons. For vehicles over 3.5 tons, an on-board device is mandatory as part of the electronic toll collection system. To settle tolls in the Czech Republic, all vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of 3.5 t or more require an OBU MYTO device.

  9. Vehicles exempt from having a vignette in the Czech Republic
    • If the vehicle is electric, hydrogen-powered or hybrid (with CO2 emissions of up to 50 g/km), it is possible to be completely exempt from the Czech vignette. For cars registered outside the Czech Republic that wish to take advantage of the exemption, it is necessary to fill out the appropriate form before entering the toll road. The generated PDF document must be electronically signed and sent to the address indicated in the form.
    • Vehicles carrying disabled persons who have a Czech disabled person's card of the ZTP or ZTP/P type. It is worth noting that a person holding such a card must be present during the inspection. Disabled persons' cards issued outside the Czech Republic do not entitle them to an exemption, so such persons are required to purchase a Czech Republic vignette.
    • Historic vehicles that have a special license plate and a document confirming the status of a historic vehicle

    It is worth noting that the exemption from the purchase of a vignette for the Czech Republic is not automatic, in order to take advantage of it, it is necessary to submit the appropriate form at this link:

  10. Validity period of electronic vignettes Czech Republic
    • Czech Republic e vignette for 1 day
    • In the Czech Republic, an electronic 1-day vignette is valid for one calendar day. For example, if a 1-day vignette for Prague is purchased on July 10 at 3:07 p.m. for immediate use, then it will be valid from 3:07 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. However, if such a vignette for the Czech Republic online is purchased on July 10 for July 15, then it will be valid on July 15 from 00:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m.

    • Czech Republic electronic vignette for 10 days
    • Buy a Czech Republic 10-day vignette to travel on roads where it is required. Validity starts from the date specified in the order from 00:00 and lasts for 9 consecutive days, ending at 23:59 on the last day. If an online Czech Republic vignette is ordered "as of today", its validity starts from the time of order processing and lasts for 9 consecutive days, ending at 23:59 on the last day. Before purchasing a Czech vignette, make sure that all the information is correct.

    • Monthly Czech vignettes online
    • You can buy a Czech Republic monthly vignette, which is valid for 30 days from the date indicated in the order from 00:00 a.m. It is valid until 23:59 on the last day of this period. If the Czech Republic monthly vignette is ordered "as of today," its validity starts from the moment the order is processed in the Czech system and lasts for 29 consecutive days, ending at 23:59 on the last day.

    • Digital vignette Czech Republic annual
    • In the case of an annual vignette for the Czech Republic, its validity lasts for 365 days from the date indicated in the order from 00:00, ending at 23:59 on the last day of this period. If the annual vignette for the Czech Republic is purchased "as of today," its validity begins from the moment of purchase in the system and lasts for 364 consecutive days, ending at 23:59 on the last day.

    E Czech Republic vignette can be purchased up to 30 days before the beginning of its validity. Buying a Czech Republic vignette is possible at ↦ eDalenice Or using our website. We are the official website for Czech Republic vignettes, and you can also find vignettes for other countries, not only Czech Republic Austria vignettes.

  11. Freeway vignettes Czech Republic - Paid sections of roads and freeways
  12. Highways are roads that require a toll. Before entering any of them, there is a sign indicating that a toll road must be paid. It is advisable to purchase a Czech Republic e vignette online before entering the highway to avoid delays.

    Czech highways are marked with the letter "D" (Dálnice) and expressways with the letter "R" (Rychlostní silnice).

    Here is the list of toll sections:

    • D0- Modletice - Slivenec (exits 76-16) 23 km
    • D1- Průhonice - Swing (exits 6-182) 176 km
    • D1- Holubice - Kroměříž-západ (exits 210-258) 48 km
    • D1- Kroměříž-východ - Říkovice (exits 260-272) 12 km
    • D1- Přerov-Předmostí - Rudná (282 km to exit 354) 72 km
    • D2- Chrlice - state border (exit 3 at km 61) | in the opposite direction to Lanžhot, 58 km
    • D3- Mezno - Čekanice (km 62 to exit 76) 14 kmD3- Měšice - Veselí nad Lužnicí-sever (exits 79-104) 25 kmD3- Veselí nad Lužnicí-jih - Usilné (exits 107-131) 24 km
    • D3- Pohůrka - Krasejovka (exits 136-147) 11 km
    • D4- Muddy plains - Groves (exits 9-45) 36 km
    • D5- Třebonice - Beroun-east (exits 1-14) 14 km
    • D5- Beroun-západ - Ejpovice (exits 22-67) 45 km
    • D5- Sulkow - state border (exit 89 at km 151) | in the opposite direction to Rozvadov, 62 km
    • D6- Jeneč - Krušovice (exit 7 at km 42) 35 km
    • D7- Kněževes - Knovíz (exits 3-18) 15 km
    • D8- Zdiby - Řehlovice (exits 1-64) 64 km
    • D8- Knínice - state border (exit 80 at km 92) | in the opposite direction free of charge 12 km
    • D10- Stará Boleslav - Bezděčín (exits 14-39) 25 km
    • D10- Cosmonauts - Barrier (exits 46-71) 25 km
    • D11- Jirny - Jaroměř-sever (descents 8-113) 105 km
    • D35- Sedlice - Ostrov (exit 127 at km 158) 31 kmD35-Mohelnice-jih - Křelov (exits 235-261) 26 km
    • D35- Holice - Lipník nad Bečvou (exits 276-296) 20 km
    • D46- Vyškov-východ - Prostějov-jih (exits 1-21) 21 km
    • D46- Držovice - Hněvotín (exits 26-37) 11 km
    • D48- Bělotín - Bělotín-vychod (exits 1-3) 4 km
    • D48- Bělotín-východ - Jeseník nad Odrou (exits 3-8) 4 km
    • D48- Palačov - Nový Jičín - center (12 km to exit 21) 8 km
    • D48- Rybí - Frýdek-Místek-south (24 km to exit 48) 24 km
    • D48- Frýdek-Místek-south - Frýdek-Místek-east (exits 48-52) 4 km
    • D48- Well - Zhukov (exits 54-70) 16 km
    • D52- Rajhrad - Pohořelice-sever (exits 10-23) 13 km
    • D55- Hulín - Otrokovice-sever (exits 16-30) 14 km
    • D55- Otrokovice-east - Napajedla (exits 32-34) 3 km
    • D56- Hrabová-industrial zone - Frýdek-Místek (exit 40 at km 54) 14 km

    Freeway sections exempt from the Czech Republic vignette:

    • D0 Prague bypass: partially free of charge
    • D1 Prague - Brno (exits:182-210)
    • D1 Brno - Ostrava (exit: 354 to the Polish border) D3 Veselí nad Lužnicí North - Bošilec (exits: 104-109)
    • D5 Pilsen - Prague (exits: 89-67)
    • D6 Cheb - Karlovy Vary (exits: 162-131)
    • D7 Chomutov - Louny (descents: 18-78)
    • D11 Sedlice - Kukleny (exits: 84-90)
    • D35 Sedlice - Opatovice (exits: 126-129)
    • D35 Mohelnice - Olomouc (exits: 261-276)
    • D46 Hněvotín - Olomouc, Slavonín (exits: 37-39)
    • D48 Frýdek-Místek - Dobrá (exits: 47-54)
    • D52 Pohořelice (exits: 23-26)
    • D55 Otrokovice (exits: 30-32)

  13. Vignette Czech Republic official website - prices
  14. Original vignette prices are set in Czech crowns (Kč).

      1-day vignettes
    • standard fuel - 200 CZK
    • biomethane - 100 CZK
    • natural gas - 100 CZK
    • Plug-in hybrid - 50 CZK

    • 10-day vignettes
    • standard fuel - 270 CZK
    • biomethane - 130 CZK
    • natural gas - 130 CZK
    • Plug-in hybrid - 60 CZK

    • 30-day vignettes
    • standard fuel - 430 CZK
    • biomethane - 210 CZK
    • natural gas - 210 CZK
    • Plug-in hybrid - 100 CZK

    • Annual vignettes
    • standard fuel - 2300 CZK
    • biomethane - 1150 CZK
    • natural gas - 1150 CZK
    • Plug-in hybrid - 570 CZK

    In addition to the possibility of buying a Czech Republic vignette online, it can be purchased at vending machines at border crossings (so-called kiosks), at Czech post offices and at Euro-Oil-Net gas stations. It is worth knowing that cars powered by biomethane or natural gas can count on discounts.

    When buying a vignette for the Czech Republic online (on our website), the cost of our service is added. Buying a vignette for the Czech Republic online is definitely a more convenient option than a traditional vignette in the form of a sticker. The prices of vignettes to the Czech Republic in our store are final.

  15. Fine for not having a highway vignette in the Czech Republic
  16. If a vehicle is registered on a tolled section of the highway that does not have a valid Austria Czech Republic vignette (and is not subject to a toll exemption), the driver can be fined up to a maximum of CZK 20,000 (about PLN 3,540). Usually, however, the amount of the fine is about 500 - 600 zlotys.

    If this is not the first time driving without a valid electronic vignette, the fine may be higher.

    When police stop a driver for not having a valid e-vignette, the fine must be paid directly to the officer. If you lack funds or refuse to pay, you risk having your vehicle's registration certificate seized until the situation is clarified. If the vehicle is registered by a camera system and the lack of a paid vignette is attributed to us, the Czech administration may send the fine along with proof of the offense to the address of the vehicle owner.

  17. Fines for other offenses
    • Driving under the influence of alcohol up to 0.3 per mille - from 450 zlotys to 3600 zlotys
    • Speeding violation from 2 km/h to 29 km/h (outside the municipality) - from PLN 270 to PLN 450
    • Speeding violation from 2 km/h to 19 km/h (within the municipality) - from PLN 270 to PLN 450
    • Driving a technically inoperative vehicle - from PLN 900 to PLN 1,800
    • Driving without a fastened seat belt - from PLN 270 to PLN 450
    • Driving with a phone in hand - from PLN 270 to PLN 450.

  18. Vignette Czech Republic online purchase - editing and returning a vignette
  19. In the Czech Republic, online vignettes can only be edited before their start date. As part of editing the vignette, information such as the vehicle registration number, the country of vehicle registration and the vignette start date can be changed.

    Once the vignette begins to expire, editing is possible to a very limited extent and is limited to the possibility of changing a maximum of 2 characters, provided that after the change, the new number has the same number of characters.

    Return of vignettes and recovery of money from toll systems is not possible. The 14-day return period does not apply to vignettes due to the purchase of goods/services over the Internet. It also does not matter whether the car actually entered the Czech Republic or not.

    When ordering vignettes from www.vinitres.com, before payment we inform you that you accept the cancellation of the 14-day return period, so you can receive a valid vignette very quickly. If you want to buy a Prague vignette from us, then you can pay with your credit card or Blik. Buying a vignette online for the Czech Republic takes just a moment, and will protect you from hefty fines.

  20. Speed limits
  21. When driving on Czech roads, keep:

    1. 50 km/h in built-up areas
    2. 90 km/h outside built-up areas (80 km/h with trailer)
    3. 90 km/h on expressways (80 km/h with trailer)
    4. 130 km/h on highways (80 km/h with trailer)

  22. Car equipment
  23. According to Czech law, you need to have in your car: a warning triangle, a reflective vest (the amount appropriate to the number of passengers) and a first-aid kit. It is additionally worthwhile to have a fire extinguisher and spare light bulbs.

  24. Neighboring countries

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